The evil dog of the evil house of the evil intentions that can talk evil things that not even the most evil person could think about

Day 1

Hello diary. I'm writing here because i'm a little pussy that can't talk about my problem with others. Oh, and also beacause i'm going to die in 1 minute after what happened. But let me tell you what caused this. I had a friend named timmy that told me about a house in this same street that was full of demons, mummies, ghosts, ax-crazy assassins, cannibals, skeletons that can pop out of nothing and yada yada.
Because i'm retarded and also because i don't have anything better to do with my life, i decided to explore that house, alone and while it's night. because every horror character does that without question. So, i went to the scary house, only armed with a shotgun that i found on the street and a sword that my grandpa gave me before dying. He said that he slashed his own dick with it.
I entered the house with all my dignity, kicking the door, without even thinking that would atract some monster. The first floor was a mess, full of papers and a smell of dog shit on the floor. There was so much shit i got my leg stuck in one of then. While i tried to scrap the poop out of my foot, a very scary ghost appeared in front of me and said: Excuse me sir, what hour is it?
After he said that, i run screaming like a little girl to the top floor of the house, and found a old cooler in front of me. I opened it and found...water! Yes! a cup full of fresh, pure and delicious water! Man, how many years it was since i drank some water? Oh, wait, i never drank water in my life. After this realization, i decided to continue my exploration.
But it was on the next room that i found the worst thing yet. It was a dog. Not a normal dog, but a black and red one, with more teeth than that shark from finding nemo. He turned to me, saying: Can't a dog piss in privacy? Now you are going to die!
With those words flashing in my mind i took my shotgun out and shotted on that fucker face. Ten times, to be exact. He didn't even move while i gunned him down, After shootin him so much, i noticed the only thing that was in front of me was a pool of blood. I jumped of happines on my victory. I even got 10 XP for defeating him! I was so happy i didn't notice the windom in front of, causing me to smash my face into it and falling to the first floor of the house. Ouch.
When i waked up, I was on a junkyard, my face bleeding from that fucking fall. I have a impression i got here from a garbage man that thought i was a bunch of garbage in front of the house. Now, please , listen to me: This history is 100% real. Please, never go to a abandoned house and jump out of it, or you're gonna get screwed. Now, i think i will lie here while i wait for my death. Man, can't they bring a bed for me? this scrap is hurting my ass...